Workflow engine
Intelligent workflow management
Media Manager is the solution that automatically manages file ingest and transfer for smooth playback.
Media Manager is a suite of modules that manages automatically the ingest and transfer of the files needed to perform a successful playout.
Media Manager ensures automatically that playlists, videofiles, graphic templates, metadata, loading lists, asrun logs, etc… are in the right place at the right time.
The Media Manager suite is divided into different modules to provide an optimized workflow.
File Ingestor fetches video files from outside the playout master control room and/or even from outside the playout facility.
It pulls the files that are needed either by using lists from a third party traffic system or by automatically downloading all the material from delivery locations (hot-folder workflow). It can perform routine tasks in the files such as audio reshuffling, audio levelling, rewrapping and/or quality checking with third party applications.
Media Cacher moves the files the last step from the NAS/SAN central storage to the local disks inside the videoservers by using not only the active playlist but also all playlists that are available.
To adapt to the needs of different channels and worflows, Media Cacher works with two basic parameters: one is the configurable time horizon and the other is the selectable level of load considered optimum for the local storage. Some channels need distant horizons because playlists are delivered well in advance and there is local storage in abundance, while others require more swift action because there are last minute changes or lack of local storage.
Finally, in case there is no time to copy the file, Media Cacher will tell playout automation to play the files from the NAS/SAN in case this device and the LAN are able to do so.
Media Library allows archive management with third party archive solutions.
Media Library allows the bridging between all Media Manager modules and third party cart machine taking care of the “backbone” of the workflow by fetching and pulling to and from near-on-line storage.
Server component of Media Manager’s client – server architecture.
V3 Executor is a media pump that fetches files to destination by processing tasks sent by the rest of modules optimizing the movement to ensure proper priority.
With more than 2,000 customers worldwide, our solutions are globally recognized for their unmatched reliability, scalability, and performance.
Playout and Live Studio solutions for single-channel broadcasters and large multi-channel production centers.
Av. Barcelona, 211 nave 6-7 PI El Pla- 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona)
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